What’s So Special About The Acai Berry?

The acai berry is a small, dark purple fruit that came from the Amazon Rainforest and is now known all over the world as a superfruit. This nutrient-packed berry, native to South America, was once a hidden gem consumed largely within the Amazon region.

It is now a worldwide trend that can be found in smoothie bowls, drinks, and many healthy recipes.

Amazon Staple

The acai berry has been an important part of the diets of people living in the Amazon Rainforest for hundreds of years.

In these places, people eat more acai than even the most common Western foods, like milk and bread. It is amazing that for some people in the Amazon, acai makes up as much as 40% of their daily calories.


Acai was first eaten close to where it was picked because it had to be processed within 24 hours, which was hard to do. As the Amazon region grew, people learned how to keep the plant alive, which let acai spread far beyond its original home.

In Rio de Janeiro in the 1970s and 1980s, the berry became popular because it fit in well with the city’s growing beach culture. People started making guaraná-infused acai bowls and smoothies with fruit and granola on top. This made acai a worldwide food trend.

Acai berries grow on top of the 80-foot-tall acai palm tree. They are now picked by hand and quickly processed to keep their nutritional value before being sent all over the world.

Nutritional Powerhouse

People love acai berries because they have more antioxidants than most other fruits. These antioxidants fight free radicals, which may lower the risk of cancer and slow down the aging process.

The fatty acids in acai are similar to those in olive oil. They help keep cholesterol levels in check and give long-lasting energy without too much natural sugar.